Monday, July 14, 2008

Why Are You Here?

Simple question with many different answers.

Go ahead, ask yourself “Why am I here?” “Why am I reading
this right now?” “What am I looking to accomplish?”

What was your answer?

If your answer was “I want to get rich” or “I want to make
a ton of money on the Internet”, then I think you need to
take a step back for a minute. Your putting the cart before
the horse.

Now don’t get me wrong, everyone who starts a business
online ultimately wants to make a good living. And there
are plenty of people doing just that. Creating a better
life for themselves and their family’s.

But how did these people making money on the Internet
get there?

I guarantee you that it wasn’t because their focus is on
“Getting rich” or “Making a ton of money”. No, their focused
on HELPING OTHER PEOPLE get what they want out of life.

**This is key to know if you ever want to make a living online.

Refocus your mind to always think “How can I help”…
“What can I do to help”…

I know you have heard this before but it is one of the best
quotes you will ever hear:

“You can have everything in life you want, if you help
enough others get what they want”

Zig Ziglar’s Golden Rule of Business.

This is a very important quote you need to understand, before
you build your business. It’s not enough to say “I want to
make a lot of money” and then start building your business
on this principle. This is a disaster waiting to happen!

You instead need to focus on “How can I build my business
to help other people”. This will give you true clarity of what
needs to be done in your business and in your life. This is
where the real wealth is.

It’s not about give me, give me, give me – it’s about you
giving your heart and soul for the purpose of helping
other people, so give, give, give!

I heard a story once form Jim Rohn in one of his seminars
that I would like to share with you real quick and it went
something like this:

There was this great and powerful General, a true leader
in every sense of the word, who was out on his horse
inspecting his battered troops after a battle. The troops
where all lined up in a row for the General’s inspection.

As the General was moving his way down the line looking
over his troops and speaking words of encouragement and
congratulations for a job well done, he noticed one of his
soldiers standing tall in formation with out any boots on.

The General pulled back on the reins to stop his horse in
front of his soldier. He looked the soldier up and down
and asked him “Soldier, where are your boots?” the soldier
replied “My boots where ripped to pieces during battle. I
have no boots now sir!”

The General immediately dismounted his horse and took his
own boots off as the troops looked on with a quizzical look.
He then proceeded to walk up to his soldier and handed
him the boots he had just taken off.

“You have boots now” said the general. The soldier promptly
put the boots on as the General walked back to his horse
and remounted. As the General was ridding off they heard
him say “No one in my Army will ever go without boots!”

Do you think his soldiers have a tremendous amount of
respect for the General? You bet! The General was willing
to GIVE what he had to help someone else. He didn’t
have to give his own boots, but he did. Is there any
wonder why he was the General?

This is the point I am trying to get across to you. Stop
thinking about how to make money and start thinking about
how you can help someone else. If you have a true passion
to help others it will shine through and the money part of
the equation will take care of itself.

So don’t put the cart in front of the horse. Go out and
develop the skills and knowledge that you will need to
help others. Build a business that focuses on helping
other people.

Build your business on this principle of giving and you
are sure to be blessed with success beyond your wildest

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